
Joining the chorus is a simple process for an enthusiastic singer. At your first visit, we'll assess which part might be best for you to sing, based on your range and your musical experience, as well as your ability to sing harmony against other voice parts. Then you'll be up on the risers with us, following along as the chorus sings and joining your voice with ours. 
Over the next few weeks, you'll be singing near others who sing the same part. When you are ready to try an audition, you will let the assistant director know, and she'll set up some practice sessions for you. The audition process is to have you sing your part against the other three, in a quartet. 
We are looking for singers who can learn the correct notes and words, stay in pitch, and hold the tune against the other parts. You don't have to have the voice of a soloist or professional to sing with us.  That is the joy of singing with 50 other women; we compliment each other in a way that makes all of us sound like professional singers when we sing as one (actually four) voices. We want you to succeed and we'll give you a lot of training and encouragement throughout the audition process!

Email us at for more information about our chorus.

Click on "Guest Registration" at the top of this page on the Navigation Bar to complete a questionnaire prior to visiting us.

Although we welcome you at any of our Wednesday rehearsals, see the homepage for scheduled Guest Nights, specifically geared toward guests.
Copyright © 2025 Pacific Empire Chorus